Rhoul Abdelilah

Mohammed VI University Hospital Oujda, Morocco

Title: Genicular nerves blocks for knee osteoarthritis


Multiple therapeutic approaches were reported in order to manage pain in patients with Knee osteoarthritis (KO). These approaches vary from pharmacological like non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs and opioids, and non-pharmacological such as physiotherapy, dietary measures, and weight loss to interventional ones such as intra-articular injections of steroid or Plasma Rich Platet (PRP) and nerve blocks. Several studies reported positive results with the use of GNB on knee pain. We review the current literature on GNB in the management of knee pain in patients with KO.


Rhoul Abdelilah, 29 years old. Third-year resident doctor at the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Mohammed VI University Hospital Oujda. Publications: Screw Impingement Causing Massive Swelling of the Sciatic Nerve: A Case Report Failed Back Surgery Syndrome: An Updated Review