Mahmoud Elbakry

Trauma and Orthopaedics, United Kingdom

Title: A successful pathway for the treatment of knee medial compartment osteoarthritis with uncompartmental knee arthroplasy


In recent years, the use of unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) for the treatment of localized, medial compartmental osteoarthritis of the knee has regained popularity. Numerous studies have shown that after 10 years the survival rate of UKA implants exceeds 90%. However, when compared to knee arthroplasty (TKA) registry data on knee replacements indicate a slightly higher rate of revisions and failures for (UKA). It is worth noting that performing (UKA) requires experience and surgical frequency to achieve best outcomes. The key factors to minimize revision rates include patient selection, thorough planning, precise alignment of the prosthesis during surgery and appropriate post-operative rehabilitation. In this presentation we will discuss our approach at Queens Hospital Burton (UK) to ensure results with UKA from the initial patient consultation through five years, after the surgery.


Mahmoud Elbakry has completed his M.D. degree in trauma and orthopaedics at the age of 35 years from Cairo University, Egypt. In addition to having an MRCS from Ireland, he also has a master's degree in trauma and orthopaedics from Ain Shams University. After finishing his training in Egypt and working in Kuwait for three years, he decided to expand his knowledge by having his post-M.D. experience in the UK. He presently holds a Senior Clinical Fellow position in trauma and orthopaedics at the University Hospital of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust.