Francisco Sobrino

Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery Service, Spain

Title: Overuse injuries in ballet


Ballet is an athletic activity with a marked artistic component, that need a highest technical requirement and repetitive movements. In this way, Overuse injuries , as we have  been able to demonstrate in our studies, will be the most frequent injuries in ballet. En dehors, points, plié or portée, between others, are some of the most representative technical gesture of ballet.  Related to Ballet disciplines, Classical ballet, Contemporary ballet, Neoclassical ballet, and the Spanish ballet in Spain, are the most important ballet disciplines. The Lower limbs and lumbar spine, are the most frequent anatomical location involved in this injuries, having differences between ballet disciplines, age, profesional seniority, and gender. The patellofemoral Syndrome is the most frequent overuse injuries in ballet, being also frequent the Snapping Hip, Achilles tendinopathy, the mechanical low back pain, or the Os trigonum Syndrome. It will be very important to know about, the biomechanic and pathomechanic of  the Ballet specific technical gesture, the intrinsecal and environmental risk factors involved in ballet injuries, the injury-based differences among ballet disciplines as well as the most important preventive measures in ballet.


Medical Doctor and Medical specialist at Traumatology and Orthopedic surgery, developing the professional career in the field of Sports & Dance Traumatology, Labor Traumatology, Arthroscopic surgery and musculoskeletal injuries Prevention. Doctor´s degree in Medicine and Surgery at the Madrid Complutense University of Madrid with the qualification of Outstanding Cum laude. Master in Musculoskeletal System Biomechanics and Medical Specialist in Clinical Anatomy and Functional Anatomy of the Knee. More than 60 Papers and Conferences. More than 20 articles published in national and international books and Scientific Journals. 4 awards at national and international Congresses. Member of the International Dance Council UNESCO. Member of the Spanish Scientific Society of Traumotology and Orthopedic Surgery, Spanish Society of Sports Traumatology, Spanish Society of Labor Traumotology. I have collaborated with the Spanish Athletic Federation, currently being Head of Health Department in Madrid City Council , Tutor Traumatologist in FREMAP Madrid, Traumatologist in the QUIRON Hospital Group in Madrid, Advisor and External Consultant in Surgery and Sports and Dance Traumatology at the Anglo-American Medical Unit in Madrid, as well as Consultant and Traumotology Advisor of Dance at the Royal Academy of Dance in Spain, and for the professional dancers of the main  Ballet Spanish companies.